
The Septuagint in Context: Introduction to the Greek Version of the Bible is unavailable, but you can change that!

This translation of the second—revised and expanded—Spanish edition of The Septuagint in Context deals fully with the origins of the Septuagint. The book discusses its linguistic and cultural frame, its relation to the Hebrew text and to the Qumran documents, the transmission of the Septuagint, and its reception by Jews and Christians. Included are discussions of early revisions by Aquila,...

When the first edition of this work, published in 1979, ran out it seemed like a good opportunity to prepare a second edition, revised and brought up to date. Every field of biblical research, but particularly the history of the biblical text, has undergone profound changes over the last twenty years as a result of the new information provided by the documents from Qumran. In addition, recent studies on the Septuagint as a literary work have helped to give vital stimulus to study of the
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